Anna Rosenfelder's profile

Name: Anna Rosenfelder
Theater Papilio, TYA Ireland, LAFT Baden-Württemberg, Helium Arts in Health
Member since:2008-05-22
Last online:2013-01-11
Anna is a puppeteer, performer and devisor. Originally from Cologne/ Germany, Anna lived and worked in North Wicklow from 2007-2011 , then relocated to Germany (Tuebingen) from where she continues to work in both countries.
Her core competencies are in children’s theatre which often is starting point for an extended and multidisciplinary approach to children’s arts experiences in general. Anna is founder and artistic director of childrens theatre company Theater Papilio. She has worked on multidisciplinary arts workshops and projects for children, partners include Kildare & South Dublin Libraries, Mermaid Arts centre, Ards Arts Puppet Festival & others.
Anna completed residencies with Killruddery arts (Enchanted garden), DLR County Council (Creative Classrooms ) & Helium Arts and Health (the Puppet Portal Project ).
Other experiences include: collaborations with Visual artist Jana Zitzmann (Jerpoint Barn Creative Summerschool, Thaumatrope 2010)/ workshop facilitator and presenter at CREATIVE CONNECTIONS a professional development program in the area of Early Years Arts & Health by Helium 2012
Projects and research have been funded by the Arts Council , Wicklow County Council; Tuebingen Kulturamt/Germany
Professional Organisation
Theater Papilio, TYA Ireland, LAFT Baden-Württemberg, Helium Arts in Health
.Professional Statement
I am continuously interested in creating opportunities to bring together the separate strands of my work in puppetry, theatre and participatory arts. I endevour to create poetic, engaging and imaginative multidisciplinary arts experiences, ranging from intimate puppet-performances to interactive open-air art installations. My work is often developed in collaboration with other artists and / or children. Working with children in community/ workshop contexts, nature and natural materials remain primary source of inspiration.