Michelle Read's profile

Name: Michelle Read
The Irish Writer’s Guild
Theatre Forum
Region: Dublin
Member since:06-06-2012
Last online:2012-07-12
Playwright and theatre-maker. Received funding awards from The Arts Council of Ireland / Dublin City Council / Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Council / The Arts Council of Northern Ireland / Create / Culture Ireland.
Qualifications: M.A. in Dramaturgy, Goldsmiths College, University of London. M.A. in screenwriting, Dún Laogháire Institute of Art, Design and Technology. B.A. in Performance Arts, Middlesex Polytechnic, London.
Writing Awards: Hugh Leonard Bursary and the Eamon Keane Full-Length Play Award for ‘Snakelight’ (2009) / Stewart Parker/BBC Northern Ireland Drama Award for ‘The Other Side’ (2003) / Fringe First Edinburgh for ‘Romantic Friction’ (1998).
Community Projects & Organisations: 60/40 Playmaking Project, Civic Theatre Tallaght & Tallaght Library (2012) / Dramatic Writing Courses, various including Gaiety School of Acting and Wheatfield Prison (ongoing) / Worksong Project, Create & Bealtaine (2009).
Professional Organisation
The Irish Writer’s Guild
Theatre Forum
.Professional Statement
Michelle is a theatre-artist and playwright based in Dublin. Her main focus is writing for performance.
Over the last fifteen years Michelle has made theatre through various processes including collaboration and devising. The work has had a variety of themes and starting points including identity, loss, life change, the state of the nation (among others), and the resulting plays have been comedies, dramas and experimental pieces. Her work has been produced both for her own company (READCO / Living Space Theatre) and under commission.
She has recently developed her practice into community settings including primary children, seniors and prisoners.