Stagecraft's profile

Name: Stagecraft Clonmel
Organisation: NAYD
Member since:2009-10-14
Last online:2009-10-14
Stagecraft was founded in Clonmel in 1998 by Shane Dempsey to provide young people in South Tipperary access to the highest standards of actor training. As well as running weekly workshops in all aspects of theatre practice the company are also facilitating workshops for young film makers.
As well as producing hundreds of workshops the young company stage an average of 7 full scale theatre productions per year. Stagecraft is now one of the largest youth theatres of its kind in Ireland and has now over 140 members from the age of 7 to 19 years. The company have just announced The Mary Cummins Award which is a bursary available to primary school children who may benefit from subsidised training.
Professional Organisation
.Professional Statement
Stagecraft aims to provide young people in Tipperary access to the highest quality of Arts Practise, our workshops focus mainly on theatre but also include film and multi media work.
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