Ann Henderson's profile

Name: Ann Henderson
Self-employed artist
Region: Antrim
Member since:2008-05-13
Last online:2010-03-20
Ann Henderson is an artist living and working on Rathlin Island off the north coast of Ireland. Practising as an artist since 1990 she works both locally and internationally.
Professional Organisation
Self-employed artist
.Professional Statement
My work is primarily concerned with engaging a response to the natural environment, with a particular focus upon the evidential passage of time. As an artist I am committed to an ongoing investigation into mans’ relationship with nature. Indeed, I am of the opinion that this most fundamental of interconnects is inseparable from the human spiritual component. I consider the actual process of work to be as important as the production of any artefact, reflecting the enduring procreative mechanisms of nature. Thus I find myself forever seeking patterns in time as well as space, forever collecting, ordering and refactoring both thought and material. The impulse to investigate is coupled with a desire for further analysis and photography, video, audio and computer based work have become integrated into this activity. I believe that there is essential value not only in solitary artistic endeavour but in working and collaborating with others. When working collaboratively one of my central aims, in an ever more passive, conformist and consumption centric society, is to provide an energised space for individual response, experimentation and development.