youthdrama's profile

Name: Kevin O` Connor
Member since:2008-05-12
Last online:2008-09-17
I am Artistic Director of Cavan Youth Drama, a network of fifteen youth drama groups dotted around the County. We work with young people aged 8-12 and 13-18. We would have over 250 young people who come to us on a weekly basis between September and June, each group is treated on an individual basis and their strenghts are assessed and built upon. Each of our groups participate in our end of year County Performance and showcase their work wheather that be scripted, devised or improvised.
I also work for the Border Arts centre in DKIT wher i facilate youth groups from both sides of the divide in Belfast.
I also work for Monaghan VEC teaching Drama to the Youthreach group in Carrickmacross.
Apart from these I also freelance as a drama facilitator.
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