Emma Hirsk's profile

Name: Emma Hirsk
Organisation: GTCNI - General Teching Council Northern Ireland
Member since:2009-03-25
Last online:2009-03-25
Trained as Jeweller/ Metalsmith at Undergraduate, with Fine Arts Practice Masters and Applied Art PGCE, to create a diverse, open and multi-disciplinary approach to the arts and education.
Currently in post as Visual Arts Officer and enjoy the balance of contemporary practice, arts administration and workshop facilitation.
Professional Organisation
GTCNI - General Teching Council Northern Ireland
.Professional Statement
As an Artist-Teacher I feel my approach to my own sculpture practice is guided by a combination of conceptual and practical considerations. I am concerned with both the appeal of intimate or `Poetic Space` as defined by Bachelard, and the creation of precise, geometric forms with a strong minimalist aesthetic.
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