Kids’ Own 's profile

Name: Kids’ Own
The mission of Kids’ Own is to nurture and support children’s creativity by providing children with opportunities to engage in exemplary arts practice with professional artists. A core aim of Kids’ Own is also to promote and make visible professional arts practice with children and young people, and to support artists who engage in this practice through our national online resource network, Through a range of interventions, from book-making in community settings, to school residencies with artists, we believe that arts practice with children enriches their learning and development and builds their confidence and resilience as human beings.
Region: Sligo
Member since:07-19-2011
Last online:2011-07-19

Kids’ Own is an all Ireland children’s arts organisation and publishing house, core funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.
Professional Organisation
The mission of Kids’ Own is to nurture and support children’s creativity by providing children with opportunities to engage in exemplary arts practice with professional artists. A core aim of Kids’ Own is also to promote and make visible professional arts practice with children and young people, and to support artists who engage in this practice through our national online resource network, Through a range of interventions, from book-making in community settings, to school residencies with artists, we believe that arts practice with children enriches their learning and development and builds their confidence and resilience as human beings.
.Professional Statement
The ethos of Kids’ Own is rooted in respect for children and their creative abilities and firmly supports the key principles surrounding the work of Reggio Emilia and American philosopher John Dewey. This work builds on the premise that each child has “the desire to connect with others, to engage in learning and to enter into a relationship with their environment, viewing the child as a growing and changing being that requires active learning experiences of immediate interest and personal involvement.”1 We strongly endorse Carlina Rinaldi (president of Reggio Children), in her belief that children are the best expression of humanity and are citizens of the present not just the future. Kids’ Own employs a collaborative approach when working with children, young people and community groups, which focuses on a dialogue-based process that allows children to freely express themselves without inhibition, interruption or discrimination. Our unique way of working ensures that the workshops are open to all children and their families, from different communities, backgrounds, languages and creeds. We advocate that children’s creative skills are promoted and respected and we provide an opportunity to create an environment that give status and respect to children’s thoughts ideas, experiences, writing and artwork in any language.