Annabel Konig's profile

Name: Annabel Konig
Visual Artists Ireland.
The 9 Stones Artists
Region: Carlow
Member since:06-27-2011
Last online:2013-03-22
Independent Visual Artist, film and television designer, stylist on photoshoots, teacher. Completed my MFA in 2013.
Currently on the artits’s panel for the Butler Gallery and Crafted.
Professional Organisation
Visual Artists Ireland.
The 9 Stones Artists
.Professional Statement
My work as a visual artist has led to to a veriety of jobs. I have been teaching young people and adults for the past 25 years. Each project has it’s own exiting possibilites, surprises and solutions to be found.
Media and techniques
Creative Context
- Drawing Day 2019
- National Drawing Day 2018
- Butler Gallery - Artist in Primary School residency - Education and Outreach programme
- Drawing day 2015
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