Nicola Brown's profile

Name: Nicola Brown

Organisation: Crafts Council Of Ireland, Feltmakers Ireland and The South East Textile Group


Member since:2008-11-25

Last online:2009-10-13


With an interest in the environment and nature Nicola started felting at a workshop she participated in during a sustainable festival she was involved in organising in August 2007. Since 2010 Nicola has been felting full time facilitating workshops with children and adults in Ireland and the US.

Professional Organisation

Crafts Council Of Ireland, Feltmakers Ireland and The South East Textile Group


Professional Statement

Inspired by nature and the beauty of the Irish landscape Nicola Brown creates sculptural pieces and wearable art using a variety of felting techniques.

Media and techniques

Primary medium: Textiles

Secondary medium: Sculpture

Creative Context

Primary context: All contexts

Secondary context: Youth

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